Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Report PREFACE BUSINESS MODELLING AND VALUATIONSummer Project for Ernst YoungSubmitted byGEETA WADHWANIIB1311340For the award of thePOSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENTBALAJI INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSSRI BALAJI SOCIETY, PUNE`PREFACEThe summer training program is objected to understand the corporate world and its various aspects. The training helps us in gaining practical and managerial knowledge which is very much different from what is given in the books. The internship provides us the insight into the real corporate world which would help us make a presence in this vast professional environment.The masters of business administration course is not limited to managing things but has a wide area of performance and perspective which is applied in today's world of management jobs. The internship program is an extremely essential part of MBA which makes an individual more experienced and practical towards today's organizational undertakings.The project report has been written in an organized manner in the form of a procedure so that one does not feel discomfort in understanding it.Visa requirements for Peruvian citizensSpecial colours need to be provided by the companyDeposit fee should be used to ensure the integrity of the card.A recharging station should be opened on weekends, but the opening hours may be reduced.A process of card recycling may be a new tourism spot to compensate for recycling costs.Transfer train stations should become travel cards recharging stations.A counselor should be considered as a conciliator to avoid conflicts between Chinese manager and employees.Background to the projectBeijing travel card limited company was founded in 2000 and a core competency of the company is to produce and sell travel cards to citizens and tourists. (Beijing Superpass Limited Company, n.d.). Travel card is an uniform card to pay for all kinds of transaction cost, which uses advanced computer network, automatic control, information processing, communication and other technology in an integrated circuit(IC) card, which can...